Video Storytelling

Instructor: If you want to be a successful communicator in 2024 and beyond, you need to develop strong multimedia communication skills. This course will teach you to create audio and video content for your publication. We will explore how to reach your target audience through short-form video, traditional video and live broadcasts. Students will create…

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SNO Websites

Instructor: This web publishing class will be an opportunity to explore layout and design, content organization and digital newsroom structure.  We’ll discuss strategies and tools for managing your online workflow, and we’ll take an in-depth look at online publishing standards and discuss how your coverage and content can be shaped merging new technology into your…

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Sarah Nichols

Currently in her 26th year advising, Nichols advises Whitney High Student Media (Details yearbook, The Roar newsmagazine and Whitney Update news website) in California, where her students have earned top honors such as NSPA Pacemakers and CSPA Crown awards. Nichols just finished six years as president of the Journalism Education Association and also is past…

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Writing Essentials

Instructor: Looking to get a strong foundation of journalistic writing? This is the class to take. Learn to write like a journalist. In this class you’ll go through everything from how to come up with strong story ideas and planning stories to getting great interviews and writing a strong journalistic story. This class will help…

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Carlos Ayulo

Santiago Carlos Ayulo is the Lee Enterprises Design Center Director and formerly the Assistant Managing Editor of Presentation for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. He has been at the Post-Dispatch for twelve years. He has been the Sports Design Director and overall Design Director during his time with the P-D. Previously he was lead sports designer…

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Writing Advanced

Instructor: You know how to write a basic story. You know to get the facts right and the names spelled correctly. But now it’s time to move to the next level. In the Advanced Writing class, find out what it takes to do compelling storytelling, learn the difference between articles and stories, how to turn…

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Sarah Kirksey

Sarah Kirksey is in her 10th year of advising scholastic journalism and her eighth year at Ladue Horton Watkins High School in St. Louis, Missouri. Kirksey advises the Panorama Newsmagazine, Rambler Yearbook, Melodrama Literary Magazine, ID Feature Magazine and and teaches intro to journalistic writing, design and media courses. Kirksey was a 2018 recipient…

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Instructors: Geared toward all types and sizes of yearbook programs, this track will help students take important next steps for successful yearbook production. While moving forward with verbal and visual elements to develop the book’s concept, participants also will plan coverage strategies and activities for building a positive staff culture. We also will explore ways…

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Eric Adae

Eric Adae

Eric Kwame Adae, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Public Relations at Drake University, where he teaches in both undergraduate and graduate public relations programs. Prior to coming to academia, he was a media and communication consultant in Ghana. He has more than 15 years of professional experience under his belt, with practical experience in…

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Advising Publications

Instructor: Looking for a little spark to get fired up for the school year ahead? Wanting to find a few new ways to make your systems more efficient? Come join veteran adviser Aaron Manfull at Media Now in this class just for advisers. Manfull has advised yearbook, newspaper, broadcast, web, literary magazine and even a…

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