This option is available for Advisers Only

Welcome advisers!

The group registration process is set up for our advisers seeking to pay for their group of students attending camp. To register and pay for your students (via credit, paypal or invoice), complete the form below. If you are looking to sign up a group, but have them pay on their own, they will need to register individually here.

As an adviser looking to get an invoice for a single registration, that option is available in the main registration form. This process is for group prepay registration only.

Questions? Contact [email protected] or call/text 636-778-8501

STEP 1  Identify your group or number of camper seats needed.

In the form below, you'll be able to note and pay for a group of campers. Before you start, you'll want to identify the number of seats and/or specific students you plan to send to camp.

STEP 2  Fill out the prepay form below.

Fill it out with as much information as you have. The benefit to having student names is that we can get them registered and into their first choice courses sooner. Classes fill at a first come, first serve basis and a prepay does not guarantee a class will remain open. This form holds your spot at the camp, but not the specific course. We will send you an invoice or you can choose to pay via credit card based on the information you provide here.

STEP 3  Register using your registration code.

Once submitted, you will receive a registration code. YOU, as the adviser, will be responsible for sending the code and unique registration link to your campers unless you submit their emails to us. With that code, you and your students will be directed to a prepaid registration form to complete the necessary personal information for camp. Using that provided prepaid registration link is the only way a camper can bypass payment with the use of their code.

STEP 4: Join Us for Camp!

Our camp begins on July 8-11, 2023 in Des Moines