Posted June 29, 2017
We’re just FOUR WEEKS away from Media Now Drake and there are just a few things to note about your arrival to camp on Sunday, July 9.
Eat Lunch BEFORE you check in. (Lunch is not included for our camp on Sunday)
Check-In runs from Noon – 1:30 p.m. at Goodwin-Kirk Dorms on University Avenue.
(Map it >) -
Once checked in, campers can meet in the main lobby by 1:45 p.m. and the Media Now Camp staff will walk campers over to the opening in Olmstead Center or feel free to use the campus map and walk there on your own. (It’s the next building over.)
Opening Session is at 2:01 p.m.
Parking for the Duration of Camp: Park on the Olmsted Center Visitor Parking Lot. You will receive a hang-tag for your vehicle. Student car keys will need to be turned in to camp staff to be tucked in a lock-box until check-out. This is for the safety of all campers. They have no need to use their vehicle once on campus.
What do you need to bring?
If you’re wondering what to pack for class and the dorms, you can check that all here >>>https://medianow.press/bring/.
Hey Roomie!
If you specified a roommate, we’ll start there and do our best to honor that (4 per room). If you didn’t specify someone, not to worry. We organize to the best that we can by request, then school and finally by course. In some cases your adviser has also submitted a housing list. If that’s the case, we honor that above requests. (Please do not request someone now or check on your roommate assignment, you will find out when you check-in).
Room Key & Food Pass
The residence hall will have a key for your room and we’ll provide you with a name tag and suggest you keep it tucked in a safe place. We’ll provide you with meal cards each day, so pay attention during our group meetings so you don’t miss out on the delicious details.
Parent Invite!
We don’t want you to miss out on all the fun! You’re invited to attend our closing awards ceremony on Wednesday, July 12. The all-camp awards ceremony begins at 10:30 a.m.
Tour of Campus?
As a camper you’ll be running all over campus with your class assignments and group activities, but if you’re wanting an official campus tour and visit with the Admissions Office, please contact them directly by visiting their website >>>
Still working to settle up your account?
Send your checks in to Media Now at 815 North Second Street, St. Charles, Missouri, 63301. Need help? Email Lydia@medianow.press.
Can’t wait to meet with you!