Posted April 12, 2018
Check Out These Calendar Examples from Aaron Manfull, Camp Co-Director
I’ve used a few different calendars to kick off each school year during my 20 years of teaching and no two years have been the same.
Times change, technology changes and the focus the kids have changes so I need to make myself adaptable to all those variables as well. Having said that, there are some core things I feel need to get worked in at the start of each year to calibrate the crew get everyone (people who have been on staff for three years and those who have been on staff for three days) on the same page.
Here are some sample calendars you can pick and choose from to make your own. I’m sure your situation is different from mine so you may not be concerned about all of the items, but you are likely teaching things like interviewing skills to basic design principles. I work to script out some of each hour for things that I find important, I also leave time for my editors to have chunks of time for them to toss in things they see as important and to give them a chance to build the skills they will need to run the class and the staff for the remainder of the year.
Hope you find some things useful in these calendars. If you have any questions about items referenced within, please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] or message me on Twitter @manfull and I’ll be glad to help or share resources I have. Best of luck with where ever you are currently at in your year and best wishes starting next year off on the right foot.
- Here is the shell of a six-week schedule to start off the year for your newspaper, yearbook or digital media staffs.
- Here is a PDF calendar used to start a recent school year for my newspaper staff.
- Here is a PDF calendar used to start a recent school year for my photo staff.
- Here is a PDF calendar used to start a recent school year for my video staff.
- Here is a PDF calendar used to start a recent school year for my web, social media and business staff.