Posted March 1, 2017
Thanks to the St. Louis Post Dispatch for sending top notch journalists, Beth O’Malley (@PDBeth), Josh Renaud (@Kirkman), David Carson (@PDPJ), Christopher Ave (@ChristopherAve) and Lynden Steele (@ManofSteele) to sit down with local High School digital media students and provide feedback on their current projects. Each critique provided students 15-20 minutes with pros in the areas of design, video, photography, multimedia and writing as an individual or group. Following the critiques, Post-Dispatch columnist Aisha Sultan (@AishaS) and KMOX host Debbie Monterrey (@DebbieMonterrey) shared their stories from the newsroom.
Here’s what some of the students had to say about critique night:
“I will take it not only back to my publication for the next few months, but also into college and beyond, where I will obviously still need to write effectively.” -Michael Teasdale, Kirkwood High School
“I can go back to my staff and inform them in the areas we can improve and we can now work our way into a more beautiful, edgy paper.” – Anna James, Lafayette High School
“I learned just how important word choice is, and also the importance of balancing details and description.” -Anthony Kristensen, Francis Howell North